The V-Yagi is an evolution of planar Yagi-Uda systems. The particular element shape, along with their specific V-angle, give enhanced polarization, forward gain and front/back ratio properties, completely different from an homologous Yagi-Uda system.

Although the antenna weight is nearly equivalent to a 3 element Yagi, the SmarTech V-Yagi has a lower footprint, thanks to the particular V-shape elements. The 27YV3 can be also easily installed in small spaces and on relatively light supports.

The antenna is manufactured with the best materials and with the best mechanical care. Each part is sized for the higher performance in therms of resistance to heavy loads.

27YV3 3 el. V-Yagi SmarTech Antennas

Radiation patterns show an excellent front/back ratio values and a considerable beamwidth at -3 dB on the horizontal plane. There are no spurious secondary lobes.

27YV3 SmarTech Antennas -3dB Beamwidth

The only two major lobes, in the vertical plane, allow to cover take off angles useful both for long distance DX an short path E-sporadic modes.

The 27YV3 is adapted to 50 ohm with an hairpin matching system (a.k.a. beta match), which makes the 27YV3 DC Grounded and a low noise antenna, thanks to the complete cancellation of electrostatic noise. The antenna also has protection against electrostatic shocks for devices connected to it.

27YV3 SmarTech Antennas - Performance Chart


The main structure of the antenna is made of aluminum alloy EN AW-6060/82 UNI9006 / 1 (Anticorodal 60/100), which gives greater durability against the most aggressive atmospheric agents (ice, water, UV rays, fine dust, acid rain), and a better resistance to the mechanical stresses of the wind.

SmarTech antennas are also supplied, depending on the models and specific mechanical requirements, with parts in Aisi 304 stainless steel (Austenitic Stainless Steel UNI / EN 10088) and parts in steel compliant with the resistance classes designated by the EN ISO 898-1 standard: 2013.

The insulators blocks are in POLYPROPYLENE PPC 5660, a material resistant to considerable thermal excursions (from -20 ° C to + 130 ° C), with high breaking load (tensile strength 25Mpa), good resistance to abrasion and volume resistivity> 1018

The antenna is designed to achieve maximum electrical efficiency and the best mechanical strength and durability, thanks to the quality of the materials used.

It is also suitable for installation in particularly aggressive environments, such as high altitude mountainous areas or coastal areas with a highly corrosive atmosphere.

SmarTech antennas are made with materials and technological solutions that minimize parasitic resistances (which produce unwanted RF dissipations) along the entire radio frequency signal path.

If shipping costs to your destination are not included during the ordering process, please contact us. We will send you a quotation for the fastest, safest and cheapest shipping solution.

Gain 13dBi @10m (32.8ft)
Front/Back Ratio 30dB @10 m (32.8ft)
Impedance 50 ohm
Power rating 5.0 kW
VSWR min. @50 ohm 1.0:1
Matching Method Hairpin
3 dB Horizontal Beamwidth 68° @10m (32.8ft)
Weight 9.8kg (21.62lb)
Boom length 3.0m (9.84 ft)
Longest element 5.3m (17.5ft)
Rotation radius 3.1m (10.38ft)
Projected area [F=Flat - C=Cylindrical] F = 0.24m² (2.54ft²) - C= 0.072m²(0.8ft²)

3 el. V-YAGI (27YV3)

  • € 322.00